Prof. Dr.-Ing. Udo Müller
Born 1962
Highschool Schwalbach a. Ts.
Degree mechanical engineering
TU Darmstadt
Dr. Ing in machine elements and accustics TU Darmstadt
Teaching officer at the institute for material science TU Braunschweig
Salzgitter AG, Salzgitter
Calculation engineer, group leader simulation and component behavior, Head of department application technology
- Planning of vehicle components
- Consulting of customers in material science
- Support of automotive custumers in development of car bodies and the start of series production
- Initiation and execution of F+E-projects
EDAG Engineering und Design AG, Fulda
Head of department (ppa.) und general manager EDAG Svenska AB
- Acquistion and leading of vehicle projects
- Development and implementation of new customer strategies wordwide
- Organisation of supplier and technoligy networks for the automotive industry
Professor at the Fachhochschule Würzburg-Schweinfurt
- Subject machine elements, design, body shop
- Main tasks: body shop, development of vehicles and production processes
- Leading of development projects in the automotive industrie
- Initiation and execution of F+E-projects
Cooperation in commitees and associations
Senior Consultant for Technologie + Management Beratungs-GmbH
Selected project experience:
- Restructuring of development processes
- Create of future studies in several industry sectors and technologies
- Realisation of valuestream / design-to-cost projects icluding concept, simulation, sample construction