Prof. Harald Kopp
Born in 1968
A levels at the Albeck Gymnasium Sulz (Neckar)
Master in economics Science at Tübingen University
Certified SAP Consultant
International experience in Europe, USA und Asia
Long-term experience in international virtual colaboration
HUGO BOSS AG, Metzingen
- Projects in the fields of warehouse management and distribution; implementing of warehouse management systems
- Head of the raw material warehouse with the responsibility to expand capacities inhouse and with outsourcing
Novasoft AG (Cyber Novasoft), Heidelberg:
- SAP Consultant for logistics execution and sales and distribution in automotive and manufacturing industries
- SAP Roll-Outs
Festo AG Co. KG, Esslingen
- SAP Project Manager for roll-outs, process optimization and SAP-upgrades
Furtwangen University – Faculty for business administration and engineering (since 2004):
- Professor for IT-Management, Controlling (Management Accounting) and Business Development
- Dean of studies for the MBA course in Sales & Service Engineering (2005-2012)
Technology Services Industry Association, San Diego USA (since 2012)
- Service research to identify trends and best practices to offer smart services for OEMs and the creation of successful service strategies
- Head of the „Industrial Equipment Advisory Board“ the TSIA with leading industrial equipment companies in the USA and Europe
- Speaker on the Technology Services World conferences
Member of the Advisory Board of the analytic startups YOUTILIGENT Smart Solutions LTD, Tel Aviv (since 2020)
- Business Development and Business Process Management for a AI-based cloud solution
Selected project experience:
- Creation of a roadmap for the digital transformation
- Reengineering and digitization of processes along the value chain
- Analysis of activity and process costs
- Development of a digital value chain to deliver smart services and to create new revenue streams
- Building and implementing of service and cloud business models
- Selection of ERP and CRM systems and industry 4.0 applications