Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bernd Engel
Born 1962
Higschool Winfriedschule, Fulda
Degree mechanical engineering TU Darmstadt
Dr. Ing in hydroforming TU Darmstadt
Appointment professor at the University of Siegen
Chairman of the advisory board TIME GmbH
Founder and speaker „expertworkshop bending“
Area of expertise production technology und forming machines TU Darmstadt,
Scientific assistant, key responsibilities:
- Development of hydroforming
- Head of sheet metal forming
Schuler Hydroforming, Wilnsdorf,
Technical manager (ppa), key responsibilities:
- Technical functions and customer application hydroforming
- Construction of the department engineering and research
- Implementation of modern systems like FEM und knowledge-management
Bu+Engineering Gmbh, Siegen,
Founder and excecutive partner, key responsibilities:
- Business building of engineering –services
- Association work and member in several advisory boards
University Siegen,
Head of the department forming technology
- Dean 2008-2009: founder institute for vehicle technology
Senior consultant for Technologie + Management Beratungs-GmbH
Selected project experience:
- Development of forming parts for the automotive industry
- Selection and implementation of FEM-systems
- Personnel qualfication in forming technologies
- Structuring an optimisation of production processes